1he Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a dynamic and structured youth program sponsored by the Department of National Defense and the Air Cadet League of Canada. Basic training is partially funded through the Department of National Defense however without the participation of parents and guardians many of the additional activities the cadets enjoy would not be possible.
All parents and guardians of 810 Squadron are asked to commit to volunteer at fundraising activities throughout the year. If you cannot commit your time and talent, serious consideration should be given to a financial donation. It costs approximately $1,766.00 per Cadet to run the program.
We run a monthly Bingo at Castledowns Bingo Hall at 12222 -137 Avenue in Edmonton. Proceeds from Bingos go towards the rental of the gymnasium for Cadet activities, classrooms, airport tours, band equipment, storage facilities, and other essential supports to help create exceptional experiences for the cadets.
Volunteers Are Required For Bingos!
CLICK HERE to sign up for your bingo volunteer commitment.
We have the following dates available:
- October 5, 2024 (Need 2 volunteers still)
- November 16, 2024
- December 7, 2024
Currently, we require all parents and guardians to commit to volunteering at 4 bingos per cadet family per cadet year to support the squadron’s activities.
Each Bingo date requires a minimum of 13 volunteers with 4 people available on standby. Volunteers must arrive between 4:20 and 4:30 pm and stay until the end at approximately 11:30 or midnight. Volunteers are provided with a dinner break and the Squadron will pay up to $15.00 towards a meal at the concession on your behalf. Please note Bingo volunteers need to be 18 years of age or older.
Standby positions are not required to be at the bingo hall unless you are called in the event another volunteer is unable to attend. You must be available for the event though.
CLICK HERE to sign up for your bingo volunteer commitment.
If you have any questions regarding Bingos or have an idea for additional fundraising opportunities please email .
Thank You For Your Ongoing Support of 810 Squadron